What is Dianabol?

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4 November 2013
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Dianabol: History and Definition

Dianabol is considered the most popular anabolic steroid of all time.

As the first marketed steroid, Dianabol began the history of steroids.



The very first anabolic steroid was isolated in 1931 in Germany: androsterone. Androsterone was synthesized three years later by the chemist Leopold Ruzicka and used in the Olympic Games.


Testosterone: the base of steroids

A little later in 1935, testosterone was isolated and the first clinical tests took place around 1937. This testosterone isolation launched the history of Dianabol. During a weightlifting championship in Vienna, Austria in 1954, John B. Ziegler, amateur bodybuilder and doctor of the US team, was amazed by the Soviet athletes’ results. He spoke with his Russian counterpart and revealed the secret: testosterone.

ciba dianabol



Upon his return to the US, he began working on this substance and conducted his first experiments. His work ultimately led to the commercialization of Dianabol. Needless to say, the company CIBA was responsible for the marketing. 

Ciba stopped the production of Methandrostenolone long time ago, but one could obtain it from manufacturers in eastern Europe and Asias, a generic medication under different names.

Dianabol was authorized in the US by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in 1958. Today it is still considered one of the most effective anabolic steroids in history. Dianabol has properties analogous to testosterone, but with fewer side effects.

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